Lately I'm seeing how human and sinful I am. My heart is wicked and I tend to stray from God. It's frustrating because I want to have a heart for God. To a certain extent, I think I do. But when I analyze myself in a deeper light (by The Book), I see all the dirtiness in me. Doesn't the Bible say that Jesus cleanses me from sin and unrighteousness by faith in Him?
I recently started to read 1 Corinthians and it's been blowing my mind! What has stuck out to me so far has been 1 Corinthians 2. In verse 17 it says that no one knows the thoughts of God or understands his ways except for the Spirit of God. What? Ok, ok, in the next few verses it says that God has given me his spirit to understand Him and what he has given me.
But why do I still not understand? This is such a hard thing to wrap my brain around.
The culminating verse for me that I memorized in this passage was 1 Cor. 2:16 which says, "For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ."
It clicked with me. . . I don’t understand God all at once, but by faith in Jesus I have his spirit. His spirit instructs me how to live. Wow! This was a humbling thing to realize.
Romans 8:26-27, "Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for what we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God."
What do you think? How does this speak to you?
ReplyDeleteListen to the song "I Am Not Skilled to Understand" by The Welcome Wagon. I think it might be up your alley.
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean Lem. Just when I think I'm so close to the Spirit and letting the word abide in me and me abiding in Him....I get a dose of reality and understand that without love i have no understanding. I try to apply every biblical teaching that I learn to my life but if I am not in consistant faith in Jesus being the one to change my heart I find myself not meaning to apply concepts to everything in life....but it isn't loving of me to exptect things in this world to have truth, but instead to live truth and let truth be in me...if I accept others the way Jesus accepts me then I have more love but without that love I have no understanding
ReplyDeletecan you clarify that?
DeleteI'm sorry! When I wrote that I had my 2 year old jumping on me. I remembered that sometimes I get upset by things happening in the world and I allow myself to get worked up. If I see people around me who are on a different path than me and I care about them I tend to be critical in my thinking and want to fix it, but I sometimes go about it the wrong way. SO even though I feel like I understand sometimes...I get to a point where I don't understand because I can only apply the word to my life and live truth inside me and approach others lovingly and accepting them without critical thoughts. I can only see others as God see's them only when I'm willing to love and see them through His eyes, just because the world is broken doesn't mean that God doesn't love the people in it. I was just trying to relate to sometimes being turned around and having faults revealed and learning from the faults and if we try to understand on our own its hard but with the spirit we get a deeper look. Sorry for not being clear earlier I was distracted! I like what your doing here, It draws a sense of unity, and honesty. This is a real expression of humility to be able to be honest on your journey.
DeleteYea! it's cool because the verse right after in Romans 8:28 it say all things work together for good to those that love God!
DeleteHey thanks! i appreciate the feedback! Who is this?
Jasmine Taylor, I should have said that befor. Jeremy and I are followin' ya. Not only does it give us a chance to sit down and discuss and grow but we get to see everyone else who follows you grow too!
DeleteWe're incapable of understanding or explaining God to God or anyone else, but He lets us in on what He's doing (incrementally) by giving us His spirit which is as you say, Lem, for Him to instruct us (not the other way around). Thankful for this insider status!