Through meditation and thought about this verse, I see that God wants me to be a man. He wants me to be strong and firm in faith. He wants to strengthen me at the core of my being. How many times do I give up or wimper away with my tail between my legs? How many times do I take the easy road or give in to sin? Do I love God that I don't want to take up my cross and be a man?
I want this scripture to take fruition in my life. I pray that my sinful nature would be destroyed. About a week ago I blogged about God's Spirit and by it only I understand God. In the same way, God will give me his Spirit to wage war against my sinful nature, or to overcome weakness.
Lately I have been thinking about the baptism. Baptism is a metaphor of Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. Baptism symbolizes that I, too, can kill my sin, bury it, and have new life.
This is only accomplished by faith that the Spirit of Jesus is also with me. He is strengthening me with power through his Spirit.
God help me to (wo)Man up!!